WiFi Butler - Android App

Automatically apply network settings based on the connected WiFi network.

Built with Java Android SDK SQLite
Screenshot of Wifi Butler app

This project started way back before Android allowed users to set WiFi settings per SSID.

As I used a static IP address whilst home for my phone, every time I arrived at College (which used a different subnet) I had to open the WiFi settings and enable the auto DHCP setting. Then i had to reverse this process every time I got home.

Frustration Finds Fixes

This got annoying pretty quickly, and I did what anyone would do to save those few seconds every day… spend hours developing an app to do it all for me!

Well, actually I wanted to learn how to build an app with the Java/Android SDK and this gave me my first app idea.

I spent the next few weeks fleshing out the basic functionality, designing the SQLite schema, and designing the activities.


After I'd managed to create a stable app that worked perfectly for me, I decided I would release it to the world and make life easier for anyone else like me.

WiFi Butler is still available today on the Play Store and has been installed over 1,000 times.


The next major Android release (3.0) had stolen my idea fixed this usability issue and now provided static IP settings on a per-SSID basis. This meant that I could solve my problem without needing my app.

It was a shame to see my app become unnecessary, but I'd learned a lot and I was very grateful to see this feature added natively into Android OS.